Lux Musicae London

Tuesday 19 February 2019
Angela Hicks
Daniel Thomson
Mirjam Münzel and Sophie Creaner
Harry Buckoke
viola de gamba
Aileen Henry
Toby Carr
lute and theorbo

The New Troy

A musical journey through Renaissance and Early Baroque London.

Programme to include:

Jigs of Shakespeare’s Globe, music from the lavish masques thrown at Temple, the lampooning of Ben Johnson’s plays, intricate madrigals performed at court, William Lawes’ regal harp consorts, and the rarely performed Hero and Leander, an adaptation of Marlowe’s poem by the first Master of the King’s Music, Nicholas Lanier – music said to have been greatly favoured by Charles I.

Lux Musicae London explores the transition from the renaissance to early baroque, connecting the visual arts, poetry and philosophy with the music of the turbulent 16th and 17th centuries. The group’s diverse instrumentation enables them to deploy the huge range of period instrumental colours and practices through a strongly expressive and rhetorically led vocal approach to the texts and melodies of the era.

© Skipton Music 2020, Reg. Charity No. 1134609